5th of July 2023:

All puppies from this litter are already sold.

There are 3 more litters planned for the rest of the year 2023. Please visit this website to receive updated information.

31st of July 2023:

There are still some puppies available from this litter. If you are interested please get in touch with Ester Swart.


There are 2 more litters planned for the rest of the year 2023. Please visit this website to receive updated information.

21st of August 2023:

We are happy to announce that also the 3rd mating of our sire Zsarnok with Sanza was successful!

There might still be some puppies available when you read this... If you are interested get in touch with Dr. Elmi Lötze.


15th of September 2023:

We are over the moon:

The mating between our two dogs, Amber and Zsarnok, we have been so longing for was also successful! Amber kept us waiting but finally all went well! The litter is expected in the first half of October. There might still 1 or 2 puppies left at the moment.... If you are interested please get in touch via e-mail.